Denise Goldberg's blog

Washington & Oregon
Wandering on two wheels, 1999

Tuesday, July 20, 1999

Newhalem Bay to Pacific City

Cathy - my real estate agent - left me a message this morning. She had a signed agreement, but the buyer backed out. We knew something strange was going on there. Apparently the couple wanted a couple in Easton so their daughter could live at home while going to college, and she had an absolute fit about it. (Who could blame her?) I left Cathy a message telling her to reduce the price to try to get some more activity. I'll admit that I'm getting pretty nervous about it. I was hoping to have it under agreement before I get home - definitely don't want to have to pay to mortgages for any length of time! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and like I said before, I'm going to try not to worry about it.

It was another mediocre weather day, chilly (low 60's) and gray all day. It wasn't just fog, but clouds threatening rain with some drizzle at times. Not too bad though, at least it wasn't pouring! I opted not to do the 3 Capes Scenic Route. It was supposed to be beautiful, but given the weather I didn't think the hills back there would be worth it for somewhat of a "non-view". The 3 southbound folks I was with last night took that route, and were headed to Cape Lookout State Park. I ended up about 12 to 15 miles south of there - in a private campground at Pacific City / Cape Kiwandah. The Adventure Cycling map is proving quite useful for finding campgrounds even though I'm pretty much ignoring their scenic bypasses and just following the Oregon Coast Bike Route. Surprisingly, even the private campground had a hiker-biker rate of $4.

It's really strange. This campground has domesticated bunnies running all over the place!

It sounds like the weather is going to continue as is for the next few days. Here's hoping for a little bit of sunshine before I leave the Pacific Northwest. I know, it's supposed to be rainy here. And all in all I've been pretty lucky, since most of the heavy rain was during my first week.